South indian actress Bhavana Menon posted on Instagram in this green Kurti from Jazaash. She added the tagline stating that Green is the primary color of the nature.
The pic only has the upper half of the pic, So this could be a gown or a kurti. The yoke area is seperate with pintucks and elegant simple zardosi work on the neckline in leaf with crystals to adorn.
The color is the king in a dark green. MoMalayalees call this color 'karimpacha'. Pairing with a flat dangler was a good idea with blue and green shades to bring some life to the face. Bhavana has been spotted several times in exquisite ethnic dresses from Jazaash couture.
The pic only has the upper half of the pic, So this could be a gown or a kurti. The yoke area is seperate with pintucks and elegant simple zardosi work on the neckline in leaf with crystals to adorn.
The color is the king in a dark green. MoMalayalees call this color 'karimpacha'. Pairing with a flat dangler was a good idea with blue and green shades to bring some life to the face. Bhavana has been spotted several times in exquisite ethnic dresses from Jazaash couture.
Approximate cost for customization can be estimated at about ₹ 2000-2500 for a stitched Georgette kurti of this same work amd pattern.