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Friday, November 9, 2018

Quick Woven Flower Hand Embroidery Ideas

That's how a woven wheel flower is done. It is one of the easiest embroidery stitches which can give simple yet beautiful flowers. 

With a good method, we can get a rosette like in the above image, going over and under the spikes. 
Below is an easy tutorial for the same. 

The trick is to keep it loose without tightening the thread too much. When you tighten the thread, you won't get the rosette shape. 
Here are some splendid Woven wheel flower embroidery design ideas for your dresses 

Sew in some Woven wheel or spider wheel flowers in contrast color to the neckline or the sleeve. Fill the space with french knots or beads .

Single laizy Daisy stitches can add the elegance factor to your bouquet style flower embroidery. This can be used ont he chest portion of your baby  girls frock or even t shirt.

Woven stitch looks even more beautiful with thin ribbons.